Organo Gold Coffee – Wake Up Your Morning

How would you feel if someone you trusted told you that you could drink something every morning that would lower your risk for cancer, Type II Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease? How about something that could lower your cholesterol, curb high blood pressure, and support your immune system?
Now imagine that this beverage you can drink every morning may do all of the above and more, that it tastes good, and that it can help you wake up in the morning.

Would you go for it?

If you’re a coffee drinker already, you’re about halfway there. But if you want something even more healthful – or after hearing about its health benefits you want to start drinking coffee – you can get all of the above benefits from Organo Gold Coffee.
Of course, you may not want to hear that you’ll be drinking a mushroom with your coffee if you start drinking Organo Gold products. But don’t worry – ganoderma, a major ingredient in all Organo Gold coffees, is actually another word for reishi. And you know about the health properties of reishi mushrooms, right?
If not, take another look at the second sentence in this article.
And take a look at these additional benefits of ganoderma/reishi:

· tames inflammation

· reduces fatigue

· builds stamina

That doesn’t sound at all bad, does it, considering all you have to do is purchase and drink a particular brand of coffee to get all of those benefits?
Organo Gold has been in business since September 2008 and is the brainchild of Bernardo Chua, a long-time network marketing success. Chua has decided that his mission with Organo Gold is to target the huge, existing markets for coffee and for healthy supplements with one product while helping people live healthier lives and creating a solid income opportunity for his distributors.
While the company doesn’t give out information on the number of people who have signed up to market their products, it’s not hard at all to find Organo Gold distributors online. It also isn’t hard to find people who claim that the Organo Gold products – which include mocha and hot chocolate as well as regular black coffees – are delicious.

Oh, that’s right. If you’re considering Organo Gold, it will help to know that in addition to black coffee you can buy a latte flavor as well as green tea and the beverages listed above. In addition, Organo Gold offers ganoderma and other supplements.
The one possible drawback to Organo Gold’s coffees is that the company does not offer a decaf version. Since studies seem to indicate that it’s coffee, not the caffeine in coffee, that offers the health benefits, devoted decaf drinkers can only hope that Organo Gold favors us with “unleaded” versions of its drinks soon.
But in the meantime, Organo Gold has recently come out with a new coffee product, an organic coffee/ganoderma blend the company calls “King of Coffee.”
One other thing to keep in mind is that Organo Gold can be expensive. The organic coffee, for example, contains what seems to be 30 servings (it has 30 packets and the company doesn’t give the serving size per packet) and it costs $40.00. From there, prices range from $23 for 23 packets of Organo Gold’s black coffee to $27 for 15 packets of hot chocolate.
Granted, that’s not bad to get a drink with astounding health benefits and a great taste, but it’s something that budget-conscious coffee drinkers will want to keep in mind.

While Organo Gold is pricey, it’s also true that this is a health-paced line of beverages that could easily get people into the coffee habit and give current coffee drinkers even more health benefits than they get with coffee, hot chocolate, or green tea alone.
For that reason, it may well be a solid idea to invest the money in yourself and in your mornings with Organo Gold coffee.
Join organo gold is the first step to benefit from ganoderma 

Now you can ENJOY highly nutritious Coffee!

Most of you are aware of the ill effects of excess caffeine consumption. But you can't do without a revitalizing Cup of Joe!

Our coffee is caffeinated however, the presence of Ganoderma neutralizes the negative caffeine effects so you get the "boost" with out the negative effects of caffeine! Our Green Tea is caffeine free!

Switch to ORGANOGOLD GANODERMA COFFEE - the Healthier, rich, creamy, smooth and DELICIOUSLY tasty coffee!

Ganoderma is not just a nutritional supplement it is a miraculous herb studied for its many healthy benefits!

100% Organic Ganoderma ~ revered for 5,000 years as the Worlds #1 Superior herb! Also, scientifically proven worldwide as Nature's most potent health booster! It is associated with longevity, youthfulness, vitality and virilty! Click on "What is Ganoderma" on the left.

OrganoGold Healthy Coffee & Tea with Ganoderma - BUY ONLINE!

Organo Gold is dedicated to maximizing the potential of Ganoderma with research, development and an ever expanding line of scientifically developed Ganoderma based products.

Organo Gold is the world leader in 100% Certified Ganoderma Lucidum.

*Very Acidic & Toxic
*Raises Blood Pressure
*Raises Stress Level due to Increased Cortisol
*Coffee Jitters & Caffeine Crash

*Balances PH Level of Body
*Natural Detoxification
*Increased Immune System
*Provides Energy
*No Jitters or Caffeine Crash due to Ganoderma
*Oxygenates the Body
*100% Certified Organic Ganoderma

Decide for yourself if this is a product you would like to try! If you like it, why not refer it AND get paid?! Download the Application to start earning money now!

Ganoderma, or "The King of Herbs"

Ganoderma, or "The King of Herbs"
Ganoderma, also called the reishi mushroom or in Chinese ling zhi,  is one of the most popular medicinal mushrooms in China, Japan, and the United States.  Ganoderma has over 2000 years of documented history validating that Ganoderma Lucidum is the "Miraculous King of Herbs."  There are some 400,000 web pages and third party documentation indicating extensive interest in Ganoderma Lucidum today.  Our products are flavored to perfection, and are priced extremely competitive.

Ganoderma may help promote:

    * A positive mood
    * Refreshing deep sleep
    * Increased mental focus
    * Stronger immune system
    * It may increase your body’s antioxidant capacity
    * It may help maintain healthy skin, lungs and urinary tract
    * It's been said that it supports healthy blood, and cholesterol levels
    * Healthy liver function for body cleansing, and that
    * It maintains the brain oxygen level for a feeling of well being.

Buy online Ganoderma Coffee

Brief History of Ganoderma:
Western culture has often had mixed views about the use of herbal supplements throughout the years; however for Eastern cultures, it is almost considered a way of life. With people in North America looking for alternatives to better health, the properties and benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum have become of interest and appeal.

Ganoderma Lucidum is a mushroom. But not an ordinary Mushroom. A Red Mushroom. A Red Mushroom that dates back over 4,000. Ancient generations prized this mushroom for its medicinal properties … promoting health and well-being. This mushroom is also known as Lingzhi in China, Reishi in Japan, and Youngzhi in Korea.
Click here to buy online Ganoderma Coffee .
Ganoderma Lucidum is a rare, special mushroom created only when conditions are right. In nature, when the proper nutrients (i.e., dead organic matter or soil) are present with the appropriate environmental conditions, Ganoderma Lucidum will exist. Ganoderma will grow in densely wooded mountain forests of high humidity and dim lighting, and typically, on dried trunks of dead trees. According to research, out of 10,000 dead tree trunks, only about 2 or 3 will show a growth of Ganoderma. For this reason, this particular species of mushroom has been very scarce.

How notable and valuable is Ganoderma?

The first Emperor of the Chin Dynasty (221-206 BCE) sent 500 attractive men and 500 beautiful women in search of this herb said to be located on a mysterious island. They never returned. Legend says it was these people who colonized Japan.
Order online Ganoderma Coffee

Benefits of Ganoderma Healthy-Coffee

Benefits of Ganoderma Healthy-Coffee

Ganoderma is also known as King of Herbs and improves immunity system i.e. body's self healing ability, regulates body functions which help in maintaining a healthy body and mind and therefore helps in longevity i.e., delays aging.
Ganoderma contains adesnosine, alkaloids, coumarin, ergosterols, ganoderic essence, lactones, mannitol, nucleotide, organic germanium, polysaccharides, protein, triterpenoids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals which are all known for there health benefits. More information on Ganoderma is also available on this site.
Ganoderma Coffee provides all these benefits with every cup of coffee that one enjoys it adds more benefits and reduces its risk factors. Its health benefits can be realized after few days of regular use.

How to use healthy-coffee for best results?

In order to get all the benefits of drinking healthy coffee, one must take care of certain things with very cup. These are:
  1. Don't boil ganoderma-healthy-coffee powder, add it to later after you boil the water this will keep its healthy constituents intact.
  2. Avoid adding milk as it can bring down some benefits of your healthy-coffee.
  3. Avoid adding sugar as this too is not good if you want all the added benefits and are really keen to improve health and wellness.
  4. Use Lingzhi 3-in-1 instead of 2-in-1 or black-coffee as it is better for health and wellness then other flavors.
  5. Only take 1-sachet per day as it is the optimum level of healthy coffee that can provide most health benefits without any risks.
Most of the above said points apply to DXN healthy coffee, one of the top producer/distributor of high quality organic ganoderma and natural health care products globally.

Ganoderma Healthy Coffee

Ganoderma Healthy Coffee 

Healthy coffee is an important derivative of Ganoderma. It is a coffee blended with high quality ganoderma powder which is available in many flavors (black, 2 in 1, 3 in 1). Coffee is one of the most popular drink after tea worldwide and most people drink one or more than one cup of coffee everyday. Coffee is know to contain caffein which is a stimulant and the reason why so many people love cups of coffee everyday.
Before we discuss Ganoderma Healthy Coffee let us look at some known facts about ordinary coffee that we commonly drink.

Is Coffee A Healthy Drink

Cup of Ganoderma Healthy CoffeeCoffee contains several compounds which effect human health. A cup of coffee can make anyone energetic, feel good, relaxed but is it safe to drink coffee. Coffee is considered good for the health of a moderate coffee drinker, who drinks upto 3-4 cups of coffee everyday. Overall effect of coffee depends on individuals health status.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Drinking Coffee

In this article we'll like to provide both advantages as well as disadvantages of drinking coffee.

Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

  1. Analgesic : Caffein presents in the coffee helps in killing pain.
  2. Alzheimer : Coffee can reduce risk of Alzheimer disease.
  3. Antioxidant : Methylpyridinium present in coffee acts as an antioxidant which reduces chances of cancer.
  4. Asthma : It is said to control asthma.
  5. Diabeties : Coffee has been found to reduce risk of type-2 diabetes.
  6. Cardiovascular : It is said to be good for heart too.
  7. Dementia : Coffee reduces risk of developing this disease.
  8. Dental Care : Some properties of coffee reduces chances of tooth-decay.
  9. Gallstone : Coffee-drinkers have less chances of developing problems related to gallstone/gallbladder.
  10. Gout : Reduces risks of developing gout.
  11. Headache : Its analgesic properties help in reducing headache.
  12. Laxative : It effects bowel movement.
  13. Liver : Coffee reduces risk of cirrhosis in liver.
  14. Memory : Regular drinker improve memory as well as IQ.
  15. Parkinson Disease : Chances of this disease are reduced.
All the benefits mentioned above are backed by medical research and studies. You can read more for further details at coffee and health, the health benefits of coffee The benefits mentioned above are related to commonly-available coffee when it is used in moderate quantity.

Risks Associated with Drinking Coffee

If we cross the limit and start taking its doses in excess then it can create some risks to health, some of them are
  1. Addiction : Anyone can get addicted.
  2. Anxiety : It can cause anxiety or problem with sleeping.
  3. Blood Pressure : It can increase the risk of hyper-tension i.e. high blood pressure.
  4. Cancer : Over doses can pose this risk.
  5. Cholestrol : It can increase level of cholestrol which is associated with heart problems.
  6. Artery Problem : Boiled coffee drinks can cause risk of coronary artery disease.
  7. Gastro-intestinal : Can cause such problem in individuals suffering from gastritis, colitis, and ulcers.
  8. Hypo-glycemia : It can create symptoms of this disease.
  9. Anemia : Due to deficiency of iron in the blood.
  10. Stone : Can create kidney problems.
  11. Osteoporosis : Daily overdose of coffee can increase risk of osteoporosis.
  12. Pregnancy : Pregnant women should drink moderate amount of coffee as it can cause pregnancy/menopause related problems in women.

     Get Ganoderma Coffee now.

Ganoderma coffee

Ganoderma can be a natural solution to a number of modern health problems, most of which are a result of modern lifestyle and environment.
Our society today faces a serious threat from pollution and pollutants which have entered our body through food cycle and polluted environment. Ganoderma Lucidum has some unique properties which makes it a suitable alternative for todays health problems.
If you can get quality Ganoderma from a reliable source (like DXN), then it is better to use Ganoderma based products instead of thinking on what others are saying about it, as little practical is better then tons of theory.

Ganoderma - King of Herb

Fresh Organic GanodermaGanoderma Lucidum or Reishi is also known as the King of Herbs. People who benefited from its consumption too hold similar views about Ganoderma.
Read about King of Herbs Reishi Ganoderma. Reishi has got not only therapeutic value but nutritive value too. A rare combination called therapeutic value.

Who Needs Natural Health Care?

Natural health is today a distant reality most of us have some problem associated with health whether its about excess weight, eating habits, appetite, insomnia, beauty and fitness or serious one like diabetes, hypertension etc. Most of these health problems start a long time before they are actually diagnosed. These are all result of degrading quality and value of our environment and inputs to body.
These environment issues look lighter in everyday life but when the same is compounded within the body a serious health problem is encountered. Read more in natural health issues in e-age.
In today's environment we all need to be on the safe side with natural health care. Prevention is the best and easiest solution to stay healthy with modern lifestyle.

Insuring Health with Ganoderma

Health insurance is a common phenomenon today. Health insurance is a way to insure medical expenses are easily met. Health insurance isn't there to help you in insuring health, its a way to fund health problems. Now, look at Health Insurance from Ganoderma. It will not only insure a better health and fitness now but will also helps in minimizing medical bills.
When one can pay for health insurance where nothing related to healh is insured except medical bills, then why shouldn't one pay for something with a known history and modern testimonials on inducing health and wellbeing. At least Ganoderma health insurance doesn't expect any medical expenses from you. Ganoderma is a hope to minimize health problems without going deep in technicalities of health care industries.
Any health insurance policy seems to be wasted if none of its riders are used during the lifetime of the policy. In other words we expect and hope to use such policy in order to recover a part of our input cost. On ther hand with Ganoderma health insurance one expects only health and wellbeing or a faster recovery if any. It's actually about the way we think, we can be offensive or defensive. Ganoderma and other natural ways to take care of our health are offensive (preventive health maintainance) and defensive (against health problems/issues).
So, have a look at positive and affordable health insurance from Ganoderma.

Natural Health And Fitness

Health problems due to lifestyle is today's major source of numerous medical problems. In order to achieve natural health and body fitness one must consider adopting some traditional lifestyle ingredients. Now, if time is a constraint then one has to consider which is more important health and fitness or rest of activities that take up most of the time.
In order to stay healthy and fit naturally taking any herb or health supplement isn't a condition. Ofcourse one has to depend on herbs and health supplements to some extent when one knows there is some problem with his lifestyle.
Nature never asks for any payment to keep anyone healthy and fit, it only expects one to follow some common traditional or natural lifestyle tips. This not only helps in provide a natural health and fit body to an individual but also insure a better atmosphere for rest of the society.
Take a look at the most common ways that help in providing natural health and fitness to everyone, things already known to most of us but seldom followed in our everyday life.

Ganoderma for Natural Health

Ganoderma lucidum is a polypore mushroom with medicinal properties, it is quiet different from another mushroom also known as Ganoderma applanatum which is used for artistic purpose.
Learn more on principal constituents of Ganoderma Lucidum like polysaccharides, organic germanium, adesnosine, triterpenoids, ganodermic essence and a number of other active elements having specific medicinal properties. More information on medicinal mushrooms and there claimed health benefits is also available on this website.

DXN Ganoderma Health Supplements

DXN is a company based in Malaysia with brances in a number of countries. DXN is major producer and distributor of natural health supplements and products which work positively for not only our health but environment too. DXN Ganoderma based products are organically cultivated following highest standards possible to insure better product quality so as to insure maximum health benefits are driven from its consumption which are naturally available in it.
DXN is working to be No. 1 producer and distributor of Ganoderma and other health supplements. DXN follows a MLM approach for marketing and distribution which is most suitable for the philosophy DXN has adopted. Learn more about DXN around the globe and joining DXN or simply send email to get details to JOIN DXN.
DXN product profile is unique for each region and some products may not be available in some regions.

Ganoderma Extract Based Natural Health Products

Ganoderma extract based products are good way to consume Ganoderma in day to day life. There are so many Ganoderma extract based products which like Lingzhi Coffee also known as healthy coffee, ganozi soap, ganozi tooth paste, cocozhi health drink, gano massage oil. All these products contain Ganoderma extract and are therefore good for health and fitness. These Ganoderma extract based products fit wide personal tastes and requirements.
Learn more about Ganoderma extract based products and natural ways to health and Wellness.

Ganoderma Healthy Coffee

Coffee is said to be injurious to health but it is not so. Coffee can be good for health if we restrict it to few cups. Even if you cannot control your urge then there is a solution and its Ganoderma based healthy coffee which provides benefits of Ganoderma with every cup of coffee.

Did you know that you can get paid to drink coffee? That’s what I do. As long as you know someone who drinks coffee or tea (that is almost everyone), Organo Gold will show you how you can get delicious, healthy coffee and get paid to drink it. As previously stated on the About page, Organo Gold Coffee allows you to benefit from 5 different industries:
  1. Health and Wellness – along with weight loss and fitness, they are some of the most searched terms on the internet.
  2. Weight Loss – in heavy demand due to worldwide obesity.
  3. Home Based Business – who wants 9-5 if we can stay at home and get rich?
  4. Coffee – apart from tea and water, the most consumed beverage in the world and the second most traded commodity (only eclipsed by oil).
  5. Internet – the world at your fingers


You can always find a mention of archery in literature, art, Greek mythology, language, warfare, Humanities, and much more. The bow was such a pivotal device back in the past, that many historians consider it almost as important as the wheel and fire.

Simply stated, the bow is a stringed projectile weapon designed to shoot arrows. It consists of a slender stave (the bow-stick) and a cord fastened to it at each end under a certain amount of tension. By drawing the string and the arrow back until the stave is bent, and then releasing the string, the impelling force of the bowstring shoots the arrow5. Though it sounds easy, many bows require as much as hundreds of pounds of force to bend the bow sufficiently and then incredible marksmanship to make the arrow fly true.
Bows are of two basic kinds: wooden and composite. The earliest bows were undoubtedly made from wood, probably simply cut from saplings and whittled into the desired shape and strung with animal gut. These earliest of bows developed into the short bow, longbow, and various other plain bows.

A major part to success in archery is learning the proper shooting technique. With the proper shooting technique, your accuracy will greatly increase.

First, you need to choose the accessories that are most comfortable. Basic accessories could increase accuracy, such as the arm guard and the finger tab.

Many errors in shooting techniques could be overdrawing a short arrow, items in pockets (such as a pen), poor stances, improper mental programs, bad follow through, poor anchor positions, poor vertical body alignments, and no mental focus.

Sports in Australia

Australians considered one of the most competitive people in the world. Many types of sports are practiced in Australia, and most of them are outdoor sports due to favorable climate.

Rugby is one of the most popular sports in Australia, existing 3 divisions: Rugby Union, Australian Rules and Rugby League. Actually despite they look alike, each one has many different rules. The great majority of the Australians calls Rugby of "Footy", that means, all of them are Footy. Rugby has the same importance for an Australian than the Soccer has for a Brazilian.

Ancient Egypt Sports

It is obvious from the scenes depicted on pyramid and temple walls that ancient Egyptians knew how to keep fit; obviously in ancient Egypt sports must have been a part of the daily life and culture. Archeologists and scholars have uncovered interesting bits of information about the ancient Egyptian sports practiced thousands of years ago.
The history on ancient Egypt sports was comprised of a variety of games and sports. Quite surprisingly ancient Egypt games and sport are not that different from the games we practice and enjoy today. Murals and paintings dating back to the days of the ancient Egyptians indicate that the pharaoh and his people enjoyed such activities as wrestling and javelin throwing.

Running and Jogging

  1. Wear spandex shorts under your regular running shorts so you don’t chafe “down there.”
  2. Cotton socks will only lead to blisters; invest in socks designed for running.
  3. Ladies, do not skimp on a bra. Even if it costs more than your shoes it’s still a bargain.
  4. Buy running clothes you look good in and that will motivate you to run.
  5. Buy new running clothes at the end of the season when stores dump the old season’s line. Think clearance!


Bullfighting (also known as tauromachy, from ταυρομάχη – tavromache, "bull-fight"; or as corrida de toros  in Spanish) is a traditional spectacle of Spain, Portugal, southern France and several Latin American countries, in which one or more bulls are ritually killed in a bullring  as a public spectacle. It is often called a blood sport by its detractors but followers of the spectacle regard it as a fine art and not a sport as there are no elements of competition in the proceedings. In Portugal it is illegal to kill a bull in the arena, so it is removed and slaughtered in the pens as fighting bulls can only be used once. A nonlethal variant stemming from Portuguese influence is also practiced on the Tanzanian island of Pemba.


Hockey is a team sport played on a large surface of ice. Players wear ice skates with sharp blades that glide smoothly along the ice surface. Sticks in hand, player’s battle to put the puck past the goalie into the opposing teams’ net.

Each team has anywhere from 12 to 30+ players with at least one designated goalie. Players are designated as either defensive or offensive players. Each team has three forwards on the ice, a center, right wing and left wing, two defensive players and a goalie. That is unless a team is shorthanded because of a penalty.

Swim Faster

  • Wear a drag suit over your regular swim suit. A drag suit can be any old, worn out swim suit you have on hand. This will get you used to swimming with more drag and you should be able decrease your lap time by several seconds.
  • Windsurfing

    Windsurfing is not difficult and does not require a lot of strength. It is a sport practiced ON the water, and not in the water. With some simple techniques, a modern lighweight rig (sail), a wide stable board like the Starboard Start,- some basic safety tips, and some practice,- you will find yourself really enjoying the sport already in your first hour on the water. We are pleased to introduce our friend Roger Jackson (Sailquik) to all our readers worldwide. Roger will help you as you start on the path to becoming a true windsurfer. He invites you to share your questions about learning the sport with him. His advice and guidance will help you to experience success quickly, and gain sense of personal achievment with that success.
    Windsurfing can be a very challenging sport, or a lazy day out - you can choose.  

    Golf games

    Golf is a great game: sometimes rewarding, often frustrating but highly addictive. Getting started in it is actually not so difficult, and hopefully this article can help you avoid some of the pitfalls and point you in the direction of a lifetime of fun (and frustration).
    The biggest mistake by people wanting to start in golf is to rush out and buy a brand new set of shiny and expensive golf clubs. While they are nice to look at you should keep in mind that today's golf equipment comes in great varieties to cater for different golfing types and abilities. Since you're just starting out you do not know which set fits you best. Just imagine the envious looks you get at the driving range when you come with your $2000 set, and the subsequent laughter when you try and just 'hack away' - not worth the embarrassment! Once you spend a few hundred or even thousand $$ on a set that doesn't suit your style you're stuck with it or you have to sell it to somebody else at a loss.  The golf tips you see below are aimed at those problem areas that golfers often face, but don't quite know how to correct. These drills and tips are proven techniques that will hopefully get you on your way to improving your drive distance, your swing, chipping, or for whatever it is you need to improve.

    Reasons to Regular exercise

    Give you a serotonin rise, keeping feelings of job search depression away
     Improve your breathing, allowing you to improve your attention span and more easily focus on your job search tasks
     Pull you away from the above tasks at the right time, so that you don’t get bogged down
     Increase your metabolism, making you feel more energetic
     Help you sleep better
     Serve as a mechanism for release job search tension and frustration (why did my CV not get any replies…?)
     Lift your spirits with inspirational highs as you achieve exercise goals too
     Raise your self-confidence, which will shine through in firmer handshakes and positive body language
     Make your brain function better including your memory
     Lead to new job opportunities from new contacts in your gym.

    Why Should You Be More Active?

    No matter what your size or shape, being active:

        * Makes you feel better.
        * Helps you fall asleep and sleep well.
        * Gives you more energy.
        * Helps you think better and faster.
        * Helps you handle stress.
        * Makes you healthier.
        * Helps you live longer.

    Why Men Play Sport

    First, if you ask men about their lives, they talk of their various areas of involvement: work, a partner, children, and leisure. In most of these areas, especially work and family, the pressure is on men to be reliable and dependable. 
    However, sport is one area of life where men can safely release the pressure. Men are allowed to have fun in sport, and to go to extremes. They get into huge arguments about cricket teams, about which team will win, which kind of football is the best, who will win a medal. So many men and boys find release in sport. If boys are causing difficulties in a school, the remedy is suggested – ‘They should be out kicking a ball’. And the same attitude was held nearly a century ago. 

    The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

    1) Deadlift
    Not many weight training exercises work as many muscle groups and build muscle as fast as the deadlift.  The neck, traps, upper, middle, and lower back, glutes, hamstrings, quads, biceps, forearms, and abs are all utilized in the deadlift.  No other exercise is a better test of overall body power.  While uninformed people always ask, "how much can you bench," the question they really should ask is, "how much can you deadlift?" A deadlift is the most basic exercise anyone can do.  Bending down and picking a weight up off the floor is the one weight training exercise that mimics everyday real life situations.  Most people will rarely find themselves on their back needing to push a heavyweight off their chest but everyone has to bend down and pick things up. If you could only do one exercise to build muscle this would be the one to do.


    The men’s decathlon consists of ten events that are held on two consecutive days. The first day’s events include, in order, a 100-meter run, the long jump, shot put, high jump and a 400-meter run. The second day’s events, in order, include the 110-meter hurdles followed by the discus throw, pole vault, javelin throw and a 1500-meter run. The competition
    In the 2004 Games, 39 men participated in the Olympic decathlon. Decathlon rules
    The rules for each event within the decathlon are generally the same as for the individual events themselves, with a few exceptions. Most notably, runners are allowed two false starts instead of one, while competitors receive only three attempts in throwing and jumping events. Competitors cannot pass on any event. Failing to attempt any single event results in disqualification.