Golf is a great game: sometimes rewarding, often frustrating but highly addictive. Getting started in it is actually not so difficult, and hopefully this article can help you avoid some of the pitfalls and point you in the direction of a lifetime of fun (and frustration).
The biggest mistake by people wanting to start in golf is to rush out and buy a brand new set of shiny and expensive golf clubs. While they are nice to look at you should keep in mind that today's golf equipment comes in great varieties to cater for different golfing types and abilities. Since you're just starting out you do not know which set fits you best. Just imagine the envious looks you get at the driving range when you come with your $2000 set, and the subsequent laughter when you try and just 'hack away' - not worth the embarrassment! Once you spend a few hundred or even thousand $$ on a set that doesn't suit your style you're stuck with it or you have to sell it to somebody else at a loss. The golf tips you see below are aimed at those problem areas that golfers often face, but don't quite know how to correct. These drills and tips are proven techniques that will hopefully get you on your way to improving your drive distance, your swing, chipping, or for whatever it is you need to improve.
Just click on any of the golf links below and you will be shown a list of very useful and easy to follow free golf instructions you can put into practice for your golf improvement. If you can't find the golf tip you're looking for, you may want to check out something a bit more in-depth, like our beginner golf lessons
Very few sports figures have accomplished as much as Woods has already achieved at age 25. He has been named "Sportsman of the Year" by Sports Illustrated twice; he has won more than 30 professional tournaments and he's the youngest player to win the Grand Slam four of the major pro championships. Despite his many commercials and product endorsements, Woods is one of the rare athletes who isn't overplayed in the media. Unlike many other sports stars, Woods plays and wins quietly. That may explain why this instructional book will reach far beyond the links. Woods talks about his experiences and his attitudes toward golf and life. The conversational tone is quite engaging: "The difference between golf and most other sports is that anyone of average intelligence and coordination can learn to play it well. It requires a commitment to being the best that you can be. That has always been my approach to the game.... Pop gave me many great lessons, not only about golf, but also about life. His greatest advice to me was always be myself." On watching the ball, Woods says, "If you're like me, you can't wait to see if the ball is tracking toward the hole right after the golf ball leaves the putterface.... The tendency to peek too soon causes your head to move and leads to off-sloppy contact.... I found an effective way to fight the problem: I practice putting with my left eye closed, so I can't see the target line at all with my peripheral vision. That makes it easier to keep my eyes looking straight down." Accompanied by wonderful photos, the book reads as if Woods is right there with the golfer, providing instructions. (Oct.) Forecast: With scheduled appearances on Oprah and Dateline along with extensive print and television advertising, this book will immediately shoot out of the bookstores. Strong sales should continue for a long time. .