Ganoderma Healthy Coffee
Healthy coffee is an important derivative of Ganoderma. It is a coffee blended with high quality ganoderma powder which is available in many flavors (black, 2 in 1, 3 in 1). Coffee is one of the most popular drink after tea worldwide and most people drink one or more than one cup of coffee everyday. Coffee is know to contain caffein which is a stimulant and the reason why so many people love cups of coffee everyday.
Before we discuss Ganoderma Healthy Coffee let us look at some known facts about ordinary coffee that we commonly drink.
Is Coffee A Healthy Drink
Advantages & Disadvantages of Drinking Coffee
In this article we'll like to provide both advantages as well as disadvantages of drinking coffee.
Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee
- Analgesic : Caffein presents in the coffee helps in killing pain.
- Alzheimer : Coffee can reduce risk of Alzheimer disease.
- Antioxidant : Methylpyridinium present in coffee acts as an antioxidant which reduces chances of cancer.
- Asthma : It is said to control asthma.
- Diabeties : Coffee has been found to reduce risk of type-2 diabetes.
- Cardiovascular : It is said to be good for heart too.
- Dementia : Coffee reduces risk of developing this disease.
- Dental Care : Some properties of coffee reduces chances of tooth-decay.
- Gallstone : Coffee-drinkers have less chances of developing problems related to gallstone/gallbladder.
- Gout : Reduces risks of developing gout.
- Headache : Its analgesic properties help in reducing headache.
- Laxative : It effects bowel movement.
- Liver : Coffee reduces risk of cirrhosis in liver.
- Memory : Regular drinker improve memory as well as IQ.
- Parkinson Disease : Chances of this disease are reduced.
All the benefits mentioned above are backed by medical research and studies. You can read more for further details at coffee and health, the health benefits of coffee The benefits mentioned above are related to commonly-available coffee when it is used in moderate quantity.
Risks Associated with Drinking Coffee
If we cross the limit and start taking its doses in excess then it can create some risks to health, some of them are
- Addiction : Anyone can get addicted.
- Anxiety : It can cause anxiety or problem with sleeping.
- Blood Pressure : It can increase the risk of hyper-tension i.e. high blood pressure.
- Cancer : Over doses can pose this risk.
- Cholestrol : It can increase level of cholestrol which is associated with heart problems.
- Artery Problem : Boiled coffee drinks can cause risk of coronary artery disease.
- Gastro-intestinal : Can cause such problem in individuals suffering from gastritis, colitis, and ulcers.
- Hypo-glycemia : It can create symptoms of this disease.
- Anemia : Due to deficiency of iron in the blood.
- Stone : Can create kidney problems.
- Osteoporosis : Daily overdose of coffee can increase risk of osteoporosis.
- Pregnancy : Pregnant women should drink moderate amount of coffee as it can cause pregnancy/menopause related problems in women.
Get Ganoderma Coffee now.