Now imagine that this beverage you can drink every morning may do all of the above and more, that it tastes good, and that it can help you wake up in the morning.
Would you go for it?

If you’re a coffee drinker already, you’re about halfway there. But if you want something even more healthful – or after hearing about its health benefits you want to start drinking coffee – you can get all of the above benefits from Organo Gold Coffee.
Of course, you may not want to hear that you’ll be drinking a mushroom with your coffee if you start drinking Organo Gold products. But don’t worry – ganoderma, a major ingredient in all Organo Gold coffees, is actually another word for reishi. And you know about the health properties of reishi mushrooms, right?
If not, take another look at the second sentence in this article.
And take a look at these additional benefits of ganoderma/reishi:
· tames inflammation
· reduces fatigue
· builds stamina
· reduces fatigue
· builds stamina
That doesn’t sound at all bad, does it, considering all you have to do is purchase and drink a particular brand of coffee to get all of those benefits?
Organo Gold has been in business since September 2008 and is the brainchild of Bernardo Chua, a long-time network marketing success. Chua has decided that his mission with Organo Gold is to target the huge, existing markets for coffee and for healthy supplements with one product while helping people live healthier lives and creating a solid income opportunity for his distributors.
While the company doesn’t give out information on the number of people who have signed up to market their products, it’s not hard at all to find Organo Gold distributors online. It also isn’t hard to find people who claim that the Organo Gold products – which include mocha and hot chocolate as well as regular black coffees – are delicious.
Oh, that’s right. If you’re considering Organo Gold, it will help to know that in addition to black coffee you can buy a latte flavor as well as green tea and the beverages listed above. In addition, Organo Gold offers ganoderma and other supplements.
The one possible drawback to Organo Gold’s coffees is that the company does not offer a decaf version. Since studies seem to indicate that it’s coffee, not the caffeine in coffee, that offers the health benefits, devoted decaf drinkers can only hope that Organo Gold favors us with “unleaded” versions of its drinks soon.
But in the meantime, Organo Gold has recently come out with a new coffee product, an organic coffee/ganoderma blend the company calls “King of Coffee.”
One other thing to keep in mind is that Organo Gold can be expensive. The organic coffee, for example, contains what seems to be 30 servings (it has 30 packets and the company doesn’t give the serving size per packet) and it costs $40.00. From there, prices range from $23 for 23 packets of Organo Gold’s black coffee to $27 for 15 packets of hot chocolate.
Granted, that’s not bad to get a drink with astounding health benefits and a great taste, but it’s something that budget-conscious coffee drinkers will want to keep in mind.

While Organo Gold is pricey, it’s also true that this is a health-paced line of beverages that could easily get people into the coffee habit and give current coffee drinkers even more health benefits than they get with coffee, hot chocolate, or green tea alone.
For that reason, it may well be a solid idea to invest the money in yourself and in your mornings with Organo Gold coffee.
Join organo gold is the first step to benefit from ganoderma